Secondary Weekly Highlights: World Book Day!

Secondary Weekly Highlights: World Book Day!
Secondary Weekly Highlights

Today is UNESCO World Book and Copyright Day - the day that we embrace and remind ourselves of the joy of picking up a book and allowing ourselves to be taken off to other places, times, experiences and people. We may, in 2021, find that the book we pick up is no longer made of paper - it may be electronic and housed within a device - and yet the experience of learning, empathetic and emotional growth that comes from connecting with the stories of others remains the same.

Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks (Dr. Seuss)

Victoria Miles (Head of the English and Media Faculty) and Rob George (Librarian) led our Campus Assembly on Monday in which they expounded the importance of reading. They were joined by a range of staff and students who each shared with us one of their top non-fiction recommended reads. Today, the campus has been crowded with fictional characters from James Bond to Katniss Everdeen as staff and students embraced the call from our English and Media Faculty to dress up and represent a favourite fictional character. This culminated in Period 6, when we all marked World Book and Copyright Day with a mass reading extravaganza - all teachers and students across the campus picked up a book - paper or otherwise - and took 30 minutes to simply enjoy and luxuriate in reading. 

Group World Book Day Dress Up

So, if you have yet to open a book this week and dive in, I urge you to take some time today or this weekend and reacquaint yourself with old friends or make new ones by transporting yourself to the worlds that exist between the pages of a book.

World Book Day Dress UpWorld Book Day Dress UpWorld Book Day Dress Up

Wishing you a booktastic weekend,

Maria Osowiecki

Secondary Principal

Editor's note: Check our twitter feed for more pictures from #WorldBookDay2021