Secondary Weekly Highlights: STEM Week ‘22: Ready, aim, FIRE!🧑‍🔬🚀

Secondary Weekly Highlights: STEM Week ‘22: Ready, aim, FIRE!🧑‍🔬🚀
Learning Cross Curricular ECAs Competitions

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) week at Equine Park was a colourful and explosive affair this year, starting on Monday 14th March 2022. Our Head of Faculty for Science and DT, Aaron Bridges, and the STEM team can’t wait to tell you more in this week’s Secondary Blog. Enjoy!

In Physics, students were dazzled by the bright lights of various cathode ray tubes, and the ever-knowledgeable prefects explained the science behind the beautiful glowing displays.  This colourful demonstration marked the beginning of a week of exciting and varied activities, where students rose to the many challenges that were put before them each day.

The next day it was Chemistry’s turn to lead the show, and our very own Mr Parslow led proceedings with a quite literally explosive show, using rocket fuel (hydrogen and oxygen!) to launch a bottle at a target on the board.  Just when you thought things couldn’t be topped, he then went on to duel with Mr Corbetta, with the brave pair shooting each other with ethanol-fuelled bottle guns!  Don’t try this at home of course…

A scavenger hunt challenged students to build molecules, perform flame tests, and use their extensive scientific knowledge to answer some challenging questions too. These students know a lot of science!

With Biology the main activity was a gruesome murder investigation, where students analysed ‘blood’ samples to determine the identity of a murderer!  I am pleased to report that the culprit was captured and we are all safe again.

In the DT department there were more challenges on hand, with a challenging quiz at breaktime and a design challenge at lunchtime. Who would have thought that making a parachute out of paper would be so difficult?  Several groups found out very quickly just how tricky it is.

Rounding the week off in the Maths Department, some brave students faced off against the cerebral power of the maths teachers themselves, in a nail-biting test of mental agility.  Who won, I hear you ask?  I will leave you to guess!

This successful week wouldn’t have been possible without the excellent organisation and planning by the STEM and Senior STEM prefects, along with the generous time given up by various members of the Science and DT Faculty, especially the technicians who provided the equipment needed to run these wonderful sessions.  A big thank you also goes out to the cleaning staff, who managed to make the mess we all created disappear in the blink of an eye. Overall it was another incredible STEM week, and lots of (educational!) fun was had by all.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,

Maria Osowiecki
Secondary Principal

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