Turn Trash into Treasure: Upcycling Plastic for World Environment Day

Turn Trash into Treasure: Upcycling Plastic for World Environment Day
"Sustainability" environment eco club

World Environment Day is approaching on 5th of June, and the Secondary Campus Eco Club is gearing up to raise awareness by giving plastic a second life. Throughout the past year, the club has been utilising a wonderful machine called Precious Plastics to convert used plastics into practical and stylish items such as coasters, pencil holders, and even combs! They require a whole community effort to gather even more plastic to broaden their eco-friendly product range.

Here's where you come in:

The Secondary Campus Eco Club is launching a Plastic Collection Campaign from Tuesday, 4th June to Friday, 7th June, coinciding perfectly with World Environment Day!

This campaign also involves a friendly competition between the houses. Students can display their house spirit and support a greener future by donating specific types of plastic to their house bins located by the House notice boards. Remember, every contribution makes a difference!

What kind of plastics should you look for?

  • We are only interested in coloured type 2 and type 5 plastics. White or clear plastics will not be considered for the competition.
  • High-Density Polyethylene, or HDPE, is commonly found in containers for cleaning supplies and cosmetics
  • Polypropylene, or PP, is commonly found in straws, bottle caps, and flexible food containers like yoghurt pots.

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  • Check the bottom or lid of your plastic items for a small triangular symbol with a number inside. This number indicates the plastic type.
  • Examples of accepted plastics include:
    • Coloured bottles (detergent, shampoo, soap)
    • Coloured food containers (yoghurt tubs, margarine tubs)
    • Coloured lids and bottle caps

Important tip!

Ensure all donated plastics are clean and dry to ensure your house gets the points. We won't be able to accept dirty items.

By working together, we can transform plastic waste into beautiful and useful products. Giving plastic a second life!

The more colourful plastics the Eco Club collects, the greater variety of cool products they can create for next year.

Let's celebrate World Environment Day by making a positive impact on our planet. Join the EP Eco Club's Plastic Collection Campaign and be a part of the solution!

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