Introducing Our Inspiring Head Students

Introducing Our Inspiring Head Students
head students sixth form

Over the last few weeks, many of our Year 12 students have shared their passions and commitment to our community when applying for the Head Student and Senior Prefect positions, showcasing an incredible cohort that has developed remarkably during their time at Alice Smith.

We are thrilled to introduce our exceptional Head Students for the next academic year 2024-2025: Monique B., Alexandra G., Liam S. and Aiden L. These remarkable individuals have demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities, a deep commitment to our school community, and a vision for enhancing the overall student experience for everyone. 

The selection process was rigorous and competitive, with over 20 applicants vying for the coveted positions. Alexandra shared, "The application process began with an assembly launching the form. We were given the job description and filled out a form with questions engineered to understand our core values, what makes us good leaders, past leadership experiences, and our goals to improve the school and provide an even more enriching experience for our community."

After a thorough evaluation by the school's teaching staff, 10 candidates were shortlisted for the next stage of the process. Monique explained the process: "Following a brief meeting to discuss our next steps, we recorded and edited videos introducing ourselves that were later shown to the whole school. This task gave us the opportunity to let our creativity flourish and share our personalities and goals with the school community."

The final stage of the selection process was the most challenging, as the candidates faced interviews and a group task. Alexandra added, "The group activity was used to assess our communication and collaboration capabilities, namely whether we are able to make compromises on differing ideas and communicate in a constructive manner to formulate a solid plan that satisfied the entire team while under time constraints."

The interviews were equally demanding, as the candidates were asked probing questions about their vision for the school, their strengths, and their aspirations. As Monique reflected, "Whilst slightly nerve-wracking, the interview was an exceptional way to communicate our passion and show what we had to offer."

Despite the challenges, the selection process was a rewarding experience for the candidates, as it allowed them to reflect deeply on their leadership qualities and what they could bring to the table. As they shared, "The skills and knowledge we learned from this experience are invaluable and gave us an immensely exciting opportunity to use what we have learned to flourish creatively and innovatively in other leadership roles, either now or in the future."


Our Head Students' Vision and Goals

Our Head Students have a clear vision for the school and are eager to implement their ideas to create a more inclusive and engaging community. "I've been at Alice Smith for 13 years now, and it has given me such a unique and warm sense of belonging," Alexandra shared.

One of their key initiatives is to reintroduce "glue day" or charity day. Monique believes that this will provide a pleasant introduction for new transitioning students and allow them to interact with students from other year groups while participating in fun activities. They are confident that this will create a deeper sense of belonging and inclusivity for all students, adding to the existing nurturing environment of the school.

Additionally, Liam is excited about reviving KLASS TV and creating a school TikTok account to allow for students to have fun and take advantage of the growing prevalence of social media use.

Aiden added, “Alice Smith provides a really supportive environment, one where students can be nurtured and grow without being afraid of failing and I think that that's really where the progress is, so I want to be part of that.”

Whilst our Head Students have a range of different goals, they are united by the common goal of improving interconnectedness throughout the community within the school.

Our Head Students are committed to serving as role models for future leaders and inspiring their peers by immersing themselves in the school community and building strong bonds with their fellow students.

We are thrilled to have such an inspiring and dedicated team leading our school community. Their passion, creativity and commitment to creating a more inclusive and engaging environment are truly admirable. We have no doubt that they will significantly impact our school and inspire others to follow in their footsteps.