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Read Our Stories of Learning at the Alice Smith School
What Are GCSEs in the UK?
The General Certificate of Secondary Education, more commonly known as GCSEs, are taken by students in the UK aged 14-16 years. GCSEs are taken at the end of year 11, although studies for these exams begin in year 10 (or sometimes earlier in year 9). The work is mainly a theory-based study of a subject mixed together with practical work, depending on the nature of the subject.
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Why An International School Is Good For Your Child’s Education
If you want your child to graduate from their school as a confident, curious, and well-rounded human being, then an international school may be the answer.
A broader education
Even though your child will still attain certain academic standards and pass their all-important graduation exams in preparation for university, they’ll also have learned many other life lessons that..
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How Does Alice Smith School Encourage Community Spirit?
As the first and the oldest British international school in Malaysia, the Alice Smith School has a long history of community service. For over 70 years, our efforts to help others has helped shape and sustain the future of Alice Smith as a very successful, not-for-profit educational institution since its humble beginnings in 1946. As a result, community service and helping..
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How Service Learning Can Benefit Your Child
Some would argue that examination results are the most important outcome of a child’s schooling, giving them the best possible opportunity to get into university. In many ways this is true, but we believe that learning goes way beyond subjects and grades.
Service learning can be a great tool to provide a strong foundation for children’s development and life beyond school.
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What's the Difference between Selective and Non-Selective Schools?
For many parents, selecting a school for their child can be a minefield – international or not? Academically-led, or vocational? Boarding or day school? One of these choices is selective versus non-selective schools. But what is the difference, and which one is better for your child?
What is a selective school?
Selective schools are schools that offer their places based on a..
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Eight Ways To Help Your Child Revise
Exam season can be stressful and nerve-wracking for children and for their parents. You might find yourself struggling to help your child through their exams, or feel like you could be doing more to help. Here are some tips on how you can better support your child through their exams and help them with their revision.
- Give them a dedicated study space at home A dedicated..
How to choose an International School in Kuala Lumpur
Choosing an international school can be a daunting task. Finding the perfect balance between high academic standards, engaging and attentive teachers, and fun extracurriculars to help your child thrive can be tricky, especially if it's your first trip to Malaysia.
Trusted by expat families since 1946, Alice Smith School in Kuala Lumpur provides an outstanding international..
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What do the International School tiers mean?
A big part of choosing a school for your child is making sure that school provides opportunities for students to excel and reach their full potential. These opportunities will differ depending on the type and tier of school.
But what are the different international school tiers, and what does that mean for your child? Read on to learn more about that and how your child..
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Planning your Future Pathways with Cialfo
At Alice Smith School, our Higher Education provision utilizes an external platform called Cialfo. Cialfo is an online college and career planning platform that students and parents can use to help in planning their Future Pathways.
Students are introduced to Cialfo in Year 10, during which they complete career and personality assessments and explore different career..
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Personalised support for competitive STEM applications
At Alice Smith School, our students go on to pursue a variety of courses in higher education. Our extensive Higher Education provision supports every student in their pursuits, from Law to Humanities and from Art to STEM.
Applications to competitive STEM courses such as Maths, Economics, Science, Computer Science, and Engineering typically require skills and knowledge beyond..
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Personalised support for SAT/ACT and LNAT
At Alice Smith School, we strive to support our students in their higher education aspirations. While the majority of our graduates will be applying to and attending UK universities, the number of students applying to the US has steadily increased, partly based on some excellent placements over the past few years.
To ensure that our students are able to produce a strong and..
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Personalised support for Oxford and Cambridge
With entrance to elite universities becoming ever more competitive and with increased emphasis on specific entrance examinations and interviews required by certain universities, Alice Smith School aims to ensure that such students have a personalised support programme catered for their needs.As a part of the extensive Higher Education provision given to A-Level students at..
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What is careers guidance?
Over the last few years, there has been nothing short of a revolution taking place in the world of careers guidance. This change is mostly being driven by the phenomenon known as the 4th Industrial revolution, a process where technological developments and global developments, are introducing, eroding and changing the workplace at a rate simply unprecedented in previous..
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The Duke of Edinburgh International Award
As a registered centre for the provision of The Duke of Edinburgh International Award, we'd like to commemorate HRH Prince Philip's lifelong legacy of service and dedication, by reflecting on how our students have developed independence, resilience and perseverance through the Award challenge which pushes for their personal limits and achievements.
Not all learning happens in..
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Webinar: Preparing students for a successful international future
The world is changing rapidly and many jobs of the 20th Century will not exist by 2025 and the remaining industries will see massive changes. Our students will have careers that we have not yet even thought of and even the traditional professions, such as medicine and engineering, will not look as they do today.
We were delighted to cohost a virtual roundtable event with our..
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Finding the right pathway: Higher education guidance in a non selective school
For many students and parents, A Levels can appear to be something of a daunting prospect, yet the truth is they can be a far more flexible and accessible qualification than they may first appear. It may also seem that at a school which produces so many students that get very high grades and go to top universities, that this is where our key support for students is mostly..
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How Alice Smith Ensures a Quality British Education
Ensuring their children have a quality education is a concern for any parent.
International schools that offer an internationally recognised curriculum bestow your children with the educational foundation they need to succeed in any post secondary institution they choose, preparing them for a future that meets their highest potential.At Alice Smith, we ensure your children..
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