Mastery-Based Learning in Physics: A New Approach to Supporting Your Child’s Education

Mastery-Based Learning in Physics: A New Approach to Supporting Your Child’s Education
Learning year 11 physics mastery based learning

By Harry Rodger, Head of Physics

At Alice Smith School, we are constantly seeking ways to improve the quality of learning and meet the individual needs of our students, in line with our purpose of 'Sparking Courageous Exploration.' One of the most exciting recent developments in the Physics Department is our implementation of Mastery-Based Learning (MBL). This approach allows students to take control of their learning by working at their own pace and ensuring they fully understand each topic before moving on. Here, we want to explain what MBL is, how we’re using it in our Physics lessons, and why it’s so beneficial for your child’s learning.

What Is Mastery-Based Learning?

Mastery-Based Learning is a teaching approach that shifts the focus away from traditional teaching methods, where the entire class moves through the curriculum at the same pace, regardless of individual understanding. Instead, MBL allows students to work through the material at a pace that suits them, ensuring they fully grasp each concept before moving on to the next.

In Physics, we appreciate that students learn at different speeds and trying to keep all students learning the same material simultaneously was challenging. Some students need more time on certain topics, while others were ready to move ahead. MBL provides the flexibility to accommodate these differences, ensuring no one is left behind or held back.


How It Works in Our Physics Lessons

In our mastery-based Physics lessons, students are given access to a wide range of resources that we have created ourselves, carefully developed so they can work independently. Additionally, students complete regular retrieval tasks that require them to revisit and engage with previous learning, reinforcing their understanding over time. Students can engage with the materials in a way that best suits their learning style instead of only passively listening to a teacher lecture. This independence also enables teachers to work one-on-one with students, offering targeted support when needed most.

An exciting feature of MBL is mastery checks, which allow students to assess their understanding by completing past exam paper questions. When they feel ready, students can take these checks, and a teacher will sit down with them afterwards to provide personalised feedback. This hands-on approach ensures that every student receives guidance on areas they need to improve while also reinforcing concepts they’ve mastered.

Moreover, we’ve incorporated collaborative learning into this process. Although students can work at their own pace, they are encouraged to collaborate with their peers, which fosters a deeper understanding of the material through discussion and problem-solving. This collaboration allows students to engage with concepts from multiple perspectives, enhancing their critical thinking skills.

Why Is Mastery-Based Learning So Effective?

  1. Individualised Learning Paths
    One of the key benefits of MBL is that it respects the individual needs of each student. Every child learns differently, and MBL allows them to learn at their own pace. For example, if your child is particularly interested in a topic like energy conservation, they can spend extra time delving into it without being rushed to move on. This leads to a more meaningful understanding of the subject and a greater sense of ownership over their learning.
  2. Frequent Feedback
    With traditional teaching, it’s easy for students to struggle in silence until an assessment reveals gaps in their understanding. In MBL, students receive regular, formative feedback. Mastery checks ensure that misunderstandings are caught early and corrected with one-on-one teacher support, helping to build confidence and reduce stress ahead of major exams.
  3. Developing Lifelong Learning Skills
    Beyond mastering Physics content, our MBL approach focuses on teaching students how to learn. Every student in Year 11 undergoes metacognitive training - a process that helps them reflect on their learning strategies and identify what works best for them. This not only helps in Physics but can be applied across all subjects. Students learn to set goals, monitor their progress, and adjust their learning methods. These are crucial skills for success both inside and outside the classroom.
  4. Real-World Application
    In Year 11, we introduced project-based learning under the theme ‘The Earth in Crisis,’ where students apply their Physics knowledge to real-world issues like air pollution and earthquakes. This strengthens their understanding of the subject and shows them how Physics can be used to solve real problems. Furthermore, students receive project management guidance based on professional processes used at Google Ventures. It helps them learn how to plan, execute, and evaluate their work effectively - skills they’ll use throughout their lives.
  5. Challenging Yet Rewarding
    Mastery-based learning is challenging for students because it requires them to engage more deeply with the material. They can’t simply sit back and passively receive information - they have to actively work to understand each concept. However, this makes the learning experience far more rewarding. As students recognise the effectiveness of this approach, they become more motivated and engaged, leading to greater academic success.

Teacher Support

One of the aspects students love about MBL is the accessibility of teachers. In our Physics Department, students can access multiple teachers in every lesson. If your child is struggling with a concept, they don’t have to wait - they can ask for help from any available teacher and receive the one-on-one support they need. This constant availability of teachers helps create a supportive learning environment where students feel confident in asking questions and seeking help.

We have designated one of our labs as a 'quiet space,' providing students with a quieter environment to learn or complete their mastery checks. This flexible option allows students to choose this space whenever they feel the need for a quieter setting to focus on their work.

Meaningful Learning

At Alice Smith School, we strive to inspire our students to be independent, confident learners. MBL is more than just a way to teach Physics - it’s an approach that empowers students to take control of their own learning, work at a pace that suits them, and develop skills that will benefit them throughout their education and beyond.

Through regular feedback, personalised learning paths, and the application of metacognitive strategies, MBL is helping our students achieve deeper, more meaningful learning. The shift towards this model might feel challenging at first, but the long-term benefits - greater understanding, increased confidence, and stronger academic outcomes - make it well worth the effort.

The beauty of MBL lies in its adaptability. It helps students develop at their own pace and nurtures critical life skills such as self-discipline, time management, and resilience - all crucial for future success.

We’re excited to continue refining this approach and watching our students thrive in this new learning environment. Parent support is invaluable, and we encourage you to talk to your child about their experiences with MBL and how it’s helping them grow as learners.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our mastery-based learning programme, please feel free to contact the Physics team.