Mastery-Based Learning - Empowering Individual Learning Journeys in Biology

Mastery-Based Learning - Empowering Individual Learning Journeys in Biology
biology mastery based learning

By William Foulds, Head of Biology

Education that focuses on the needs of the individual learner can be incredibly powerful yet challenging to execute for many educational institutes. Here at Alice Smith School, we are committed to developing and exploring ways to enhance the individual student experience so their learning pathways are rich and meaningful. For Year 11 students choosing to review and secure content studied in Years 9 and 10, Mastery Based Learning (MBL) offers a way for students to individualise their learning journey by focusing on their greatest areas for knowledge and skills growth. 

Structure of MBL in Biology

Through extensive research and student-teacher engagement, the Biology team has designed a clear structure for success for students reviewing (I)GCSE Biology content in Year 11. Figure 1 outlines a typical lesson sequence for a unit in Biology. 

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Figure 1. 

Let us consider how this sequence unfolds for a student studying the first topic in Biology - Movement of Substances. 

  1. Seneca and Primer Lessons - Before their first lesson, students are assigned online activities covering all Movement of Substance topics. This is completed at home via Seneca, an interactive online learning platform popular amongst our students at Alice Smith. In the next one or two lessons students are presented with live interactive activities to complement the online activities - these include completing knowledge organisers, flashcards and student presentations. All of these activities serve to jog students' memories on Movement of Substances topics and primes them for deeper learning in upcoming lessons.
  2. Pre-diagnostic Quiz - Students then complete a 50 question multiple choice quiz covering all Movement of Substances topics. The data we gather from this quiz allows us to provide each individual student with a topic list to focus on, sequenced in priority order. 
  3. Bespoke Learning Pathways - Over the next few lessons students now use their priority list to work through materials that are most important and relevant to them. One student may focus on diffusion whilst another may focus on the route of blood through the human body. The materials students engage with are highly varied. They include: 
    a. Laminated core activity work packs for them to write on and self-check, allowing them to step away from their devices
    b. Core videos and website reviews
    c. Core lesson slides curated by teachers 
    d. Extension videos and resources to deepen learning 
  4. Mastery Checks - Once students feel they have grasped the topic they have been focussing on, they can complete a series of exam questions to check their mastery of that topic. A teacher will review their answers and provide individual, in-class feedback. If mastery has been achieved, the student can proceed with their next priority area. If their learning still needs refining, they can either engage with a particular resource to support them or have a teacher tutor the student in that area before completing a second mastery check. 

Why this works

The biology curriculum is exceptionally detailed, and the knowledge students need to acquire is vast. Traditional revision methods whereby all students focus on the same material simultaneously pose the challenge of covering all content in enough detail for each student’s needs. Mastery Based learning allows students to focus on their specific areas of development at the pace and depth they require while having several one-to-one conversations with teachers to tune their understanding.  Through MBL, students are encouraged to own their learning journey - this will become an increasingly important skill for students to develop as they move into Senior School and their learning beyond Alice Smith. 

What do our current Year 11 students say?

  1. 96% of students have stated they have become a more independent learner as a result of the lessons
  2. “The personalised feedback from the mastery checks and the written practice from core activities are the most helpful”
  3. “Learning at my own pace so I can understand things I did not last year more deeply”
  4. “The mastery checks are the best by far”

We’re excited to keep enhancing this approach and witnessing our students thrive in this new learning setting. Should you have any questions about your child’s learning, please contact the Biology team, who will be happy to give you more detailed insight.