Secondary Weekly Highlight: House and Community - A Review of Term 2

Secondary Weekly Highlight: House and Community - A Review of Term 2
House Day

Whether you are Muir, Scott, Fleming or Fairfield, the community enterprise and cohesion derived from belonging to a House is a central part of the Alice Smith experience. Our House Team at EP, led by our House Leader Ms Ciccarello, consists of our Heads of House and our House prefects. They work hard to map out a yearly calendar of House events and interactions. In Term 2, our House Team focused their creative planning on increasing inclusivity across the activities offered as part of House Day. They also collaborated with other subject prefects to host a variety of subject House events. In this week’s Secondary Blog, our House Leader, Ms Ciccarello, and Senior House Prefect, Harry Ho, tell us more. 

The Big Psychology Quiz

We started off in February with the Big Psychology Quiz organised by Mr Bodalbhai. Teams from each House took part with students from both Key Stage 4 and 5. After the knockout rounds, Muir and Fleming advanced to the final, with Fleming taking the overall win. 

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 House Day 2

Friday 10th March was House Day 2, where students had the opportunity to choose from three sporting and three non-sporting events. The events for this House day were basketball, football, waterpolo, Krypton Factor, Lip Sync Battle and coding. We also took into consideration the attendance of each House on the day to add to the final points total. The overall results were:

1. Fleming 
2. Scott
3. Fairfield
4. Muir

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Spelling Bee

Throughout March, we had a number of subject specific House events run by departments and their amazing prefect teams. The Languages department ran a spelling bee with the final taking place in the Lecture Theatre. The overall results were:

1. Fairfield
2. Muir
3. Fleming
4. Scott
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Pi Day

The Maths Department ran a Pi Day competition on 3rd March, when they held a pie-making competition at lunchtime and when Year 7 students took part in reciting as many decimal places of Pi in front of their entire year group. The overall results were:

1. Fleming and Fairfield
2. Scott
3. Muir


The Science and DT Faculty and the Maths and Computing Faculty ran Stem Week activities where there were a variety of House competitions taking place, such as a murder mystery, paper aeroplanes, paper table, fastest car, volcano explosions and the number game - 24. The overall results were: 

1. Fairfield
2. Scott
3. Fleming
4. Muir

Staff Strictly Come Dancing

We finished off a very busy term of House events with the grand finale that was the Staff House Come Dancing competition. Staff from each House (willingly) volunteered to perform a dance choreographed by students in front of the whole school. After weeks of rehearsals during lunchtimes, breaktimes and after school each House staff team exceeded everyone's expectations and put on a fabulous performance. What an incredible way to finish the term and well done to all of the staff and students that were involved. The overall results were:

1. Scott
2. Muir
3. Fleming
4. Fairfield

Our House staff and student perfect team have worked hard this term to ensure that everyone gets the most out of the House events by encouraging competitive spirit. We have collaborated to provide a range of events for students and staff and most importantly connectedness across the year groups. We are looking forward to our third House Day on 22nd June.

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Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Maria Osowiecki
Secondary Principal