Our COBIS Accreditation Journey

Our COBIS Accreditation Journey
accreditation COBIS

Our school is looking forward to the COBIS Patron's Accreditation and Compliance visit, which will take place between the 10th and 15th of June. A team of six educational peer leaders from other COBIS schools in Dubai, Brunei, Bangkok, Singapore, and Luxembourg will check our educational quality.

The visit will assess standards for safeguarding, recruitment, student welfare, facilities, governance, ethos, values, learning and teaching, leadership, communication, and extracurricular activities. This external validation from COBIS supports our school's development by adhering to high standards, compliance frameworks, and the best international practices, ensuring a thorough and comprehensive evaluation of our educational provision.

The compliance evidence that we will provide will cover standards for safeguarding, recruitment, student welfare, facilities, governance, ethos, and values. The accreditation standards will focus on learning, teaching, leadership, communication, extra-curricular activities, and school life.

What is COBIS Accreditation?

COBIS (Council of British International Schools) is a membership association of British international schools. Founded in 1981, COBIS represents over 300 member schools in more than 80 countries, providing support, training, and networking opportunities for teachers, school leaders, and educational organisations. COBIS accreditation is a rigorous process that evaluates a school's educational programme, governance, and management practices against international standards.

The COBIS accreditation process is not just an external assessment but a collaborative journey tailored to our unique context and stage of development. It is a partnership approach that values our input and focuses on school improvement, learning, safeguarding, and well-being. The process involves honest self-evaluation, extensive dialogue with a COBIS-trained Lead Improvement Partner, and a comprehensive visit to the school.

Following the visit, our school will receive a comprehensive written report that has been reviewed by the COBIS Accreditation Team, Membership and Accreditation Committee, and the COBIS Board. The report will contain overall Developmental Recommendations and the exciting next steps for each standard, paving the way for our continuous improvement and growth.