Read Our Stories of Learning at the Alice Smith School

STEM: Strategies that help students dream and innovate STEM: Strategies that help students dream and innovate

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are the core components of STEM and are subjects crucial for our future. STEM can look different across different schools, however, there is one fundamental commonality. That is, we do not have enough students entering STEM careers and therefore the development of our future technology, our economy, our well-being and generally..
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Innovating The Next Generation Innovating The Next Generation

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are the core components of STEM and are subjects crucial for our future. The earlier we can introduce STEM to students, the greater the opportunity for the next generation to innovate and ultimately have an impact on the planet. 

One student who has made such an impact at Alice Smith is Krishna Ghantala. Krishna who is..

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