Celebrating the Success of #KLASSof2024 Graduates: A Remarkable Cohort

Celebrating the Success of #KLASSof2024 Graduates: A Remarkable Cohort
sixth form A Level graduation year 13

As another academic year draws to a close, we take a moment to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our graduating #KLASSof2024. This cohort of students has not only demonstrated academic excellence but also exemplified resilience in overcoming challenges, creativity in pursuing their passions, and leadership in guiding and inspiring others. These qualities are a testament to their character and their potential to make a meaningful difference in the world.

Each graduate has a unique story of growth and achievement. From navigating individual challenges, to pushing through exams together, these students have truly showcased their dedication and passion. Their accomplishments extend beyond the classroom, with many participating in community service projects, sports teams, and artistic endeavours that have enriched our school community.  They have represented our school with pride and passion, inspiring their peers and leaving a lasting legacy of achievement.

We are proud of our Sixth Form students, especially our outstanding award recipients, who have excelled in their respective fields and have been recognised for their exceptional contributions. Their achievements highlight not only their talent but also their commitment to excellence and their ability to make a positive impact on those around them.

Please join us in congratulating the following outstanding students:

  • Sixth Form PTA Awards - Anne Marie Lim and Raisa Roslan have both shown very high academic standards and this has been reflected in their impressive academic results. Even more importantly, they are fantastic with people - kind, generous and good fun to be around, fantastic role models for our Sixth Form students.
  • Key Stage 5 Russell Art Award - Madelaine Lee has exemplify excellence in art and design and has shown remarkable growth in her creative abilities. She consistently create thought-provoking works that showcase her unique perspective. Her dedication and continuous growth makes her a true visionary, leaving a lasting impact on the art world. With her dedicated passion, pioneering approach, and mastery of her chosen medium, she is an inspiration to her peers and is truly deserving of this esteemed recognition.
  • British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Award for Music 2024 - Chenghao Song has demonstrated an excellent commitment to music, a leader of our Orchestra for the past two years and has been a dedicated member of the chamber orchestra with an outstanding performance in one of Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos this year.
  • Malaysia Australia Business Council Award for Drama 2024 - Olivia Manning has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the Arts at Alice Smith. She has taken roles in many productions and has been a committed, mature, supportive team member. Her talents as a performer have seen her success in roles as diverse as the magical Glinda in The Wizard of Oz to Viv, an ambitious ardently feminist student in Di, Viv and Rose. Her recent monologue performance as Anne Frank was thoughtfully created and deeply moving.
  • St Andrew's Society of Selangor sponsored Humanities Award - Andrew Gan has exemplified intellectual curiosity and exceptional talent and commitment. He dedicates time to delving into complex economic, political and sociological issues, showcasing a profound commitment to broader learning and exploration. His inquisitive nature and relentless questioning have greatly enriched our academic community. 
  • Royal Society of St George sponsored English Award - Aaliya Maqsood Ibrahim has consistently demonstrated maturity and insight in her A Level Literature studies. She engages with enthusiasm and perception to the issues raised within texts, making sharp observations and debating her viewpoints with confidence and clarity. Her creative writing reveals a thoughtful imagination, and she has demonstrated commitment to and passion for the subject both in and outside of the classroom through her participation in department competitions and representing the faculty as a Senior Prefect.
  • Association of British Women in Malaysia 2024 Award - Imogen Hellier started learning Spanish as a beginner when she joined our school, but through hard work and self motivation, consistently demonstrating curiosity and drive to improve and succeed, she has taken it all the way through to A Levels. Owing to her resilience and perseverance in overcoming misconceptions and challenges, she embodies a true growth mindset and is an exemplary language student and a true inspiration for her peers.
  • St Patrick's Society sponsored Physical Education Award - Olivia Manning is an exemplary role model in PE and sport, demonstrating commitment and leadership across many areas of the school. As the inaugural Dance Captain, she has paved the way for younger students to find success in dance, leaving a lasting legacy. Her outstanding work ethic in the classroom, training and competition, combined with her advocacy for girls and physical activity showcases her dedication to promoting inclusivity and empowerment. She has further supported the department as the Senior PE and Sport Prefect, upholding the KLASS values in all she does.
  • Steve Warry sponsored Maths Award - Derrick Seow  our Senior Maths Prefect, along with his team established the Kuala Lumpur Senior Maths Challenge (KLSMC) which we emerged as Champions. Derrick has also introduced esports to our school, leading us to be Global Champions. Despite all this success, he has the humility to constantly inspire younger students and we could not ask for a better role model.
  • Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI) Science & DT Award - Amos Teoh's creativity, independence, and dedication makes him a valuable asset to our Design Technology Department. He has demonstrated exceptional creativity and dedication throughout his academic journey. His design folder is a testament to inventive thinking and meticulous attention to detail. He maintains high personal standards and actively implement advice, reflecting a commitment to continuous improvement. 
  • St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Trustee Award - Yuqian How  is an extremely diligent and empathetic student. She is one of the Senior Student Leaders of KLASS Meds and has volunteered her time and energy to working with orphanages in and around KL. She has generously devoted her time to inspire others through her work as Senior Prefect in the Support and Transition Team. She has led a team of younger students and engendered in them the skills and confidence to continue to step up and lead the team after her tenure has ended. Through her composed and selfless demeanour, and her quiet competence she embodies the values and character that Alice Smith stands for.
  • British High Commission Award for School Spirit - Ina Vaeremans has inspired many, embodying the spirit of Alice Smith with high ideals, enthusiasm, courage, and commitment. Her friendly demeanour, leadership in organising this year's prom, and role as a Senior Prefect for support and transition have significantly impacted the school. Her calm, level-headed attitude and dedication to a wide range of activities makes her a relatable and aspirational role model, truly reflecting the essence of our community.
  • Homden Trophy Award - Clara Chang is extremely popular because of her ability to listen and communicate with both students, staff and others in the community alike. She has grown into a highly independent, determined and dependable young woman. She is extremely academic and a fantastic scholar. She has also excelled on the Basketball court as Captain of the team. We have no doubt that Clara will continue to lead and inspire in her future endeavours.
  • Principal Award - Siddhart Cross has led by example and has contributed to Alice Smith in so many ways, through contributions to student leadership, being captain of various sports teams and his achievement in high level external competitions. A driven and extremely focused student, Sid has demonstrated outstanding leadership as a Senior Prefect and is well respected across the school and looked up to amongst his peers. His attitude and courageous spirit is the embodiment of our Alice Smith values.
  • Head of School’s Award for Leadership - Tahlia Sherwood has been a great source of inspiration to many! She has excelled as a Head Student and provided exceptional support throughout her time at Alice Smith, always leading by example. She consistently brings new initiatives to improve the community. Her incredible enthusiasm and positive attitude, paired with her constant smile and positivity, make her a formidable presence. 
  • Roger Schultz Humanitarian Award - Abigail Lee is recognised for her incredible impact on our extended community. She embodies kindness, respect, and compassion, even in the face of challenges. Her work supporting the Student Support Programme, being involved in MUN and the World Scholar's Cup have been avenues to explore prevalent issues and to be solutions-oriented. As a Senior Prefect for Community, Abigail has been a driving force behind important community initiatives, motivating other school members to be caring and empathetic to the needs of others.

As #KLASSof2024 embark on the next chapter of their lives, we commend them for their hard work and perseverance. They have not only excelled academically but have also developed essential life skills that will serve them well in future.

They have enriched our lives with their passion, enthusiasm, dedication, and spirit of camaraderie. They have forged friendships and created memories that will endure long after they leave the school.

In a world that often feels divided, your ability to understand and connect with others is a powerful tool. As you pursue your dreams, never forget the impact you can have on those around you. Small acts of kindness can create ripples of positive change. Embrace curiosity and lifelong learning. The end of your school journey is just the beginning of a new adventure. ~ Mrs Nicola Howard, Interim Secondary Principal.

#KLASSof2024 continue to strive for excellence, to embrace new challenges, and to make a positive difference in whatever path you choose to follow. You have made us proud, and we look forward to hearing of your continued achievements and contributions to the world.
