In memory of Wodayar Kumar

In memory of Wodayar Kumar

Sadly, Wodayar Kumar, Facilities Manager at our Equine Park Secondary Campus, passed away unexpectedly on the morning of Monday 1 November 2021. Here Roger Schultz, our Head of School, writes of his memories of Kumar.

"This is a huge loss to our school community. Kumar was a loyal, dedicated and hardworking colleague for so long. 

Kumar joined our school on 3rd October 2005 and he has been a recipient of long service recognition for his commitment and service to the school.

Kumar receiving his long service award

Kumar worked tirelessly for the school to make sure that our facilities were always in the best condition possible. 

Kumar in building development team photo

He was involved with managing facilities at both campuses in his first years with the school. For example, he helped with the construction of the Year 3 and 4 block at the JB primary campus in 2006.

He made sure our campuses were very safe, overseeing the security and domestic teams onsite. 

Kumar looked after all of the minor project work onsite at the EP and was heavily involved in the development of new facilities at the campus, where his advice was always welcomed and appreciated. His knowledge and understanding of the campus and his day-to-day campus oversight of construction projects, large and small, has played a significant role in our facilities at EP campus being what they are today. The first project that I worked closely together with Kumar on was the Steve Warry Centre back when I first started in 2010. There have been so many since then. 

Kumar with Susan at EP Campus

I know Kumar was very proud of the part he played in supporting the incredible changes to the physical environment of our school. I recall working especially closely with him on the refurbishment and extension of the existing Science laboratories in the main block and the building of additional science labs when I was Secondary Principal in 2012 - 2013. He was just terrific with this project, perhaps one of the most challenging and demanding we undertook before Mr. Yap joined the school. Kumar was my right hand man and he would always do his very best to make sure that things were being done as they should be.

“Can do Sir” is a phrase I will never forget when I think of Kumar. Nothing was too much trouble for him, with the help of his team. Major stage production set designs; extensive refurbishment of learning spaces; so many improvement and ongoing maintenance works year on year, often over weekends and particularly during the summer break for students; tents, seating, signage, tables and chairs for academic and sports events, PTA community events, regional conferences and so much more…

No problem. Can do Sir

This was the Kumar I got to know so well and became so very fond of over the last 12 years.

Kumar could be strict at times and he wanted his teams to do the best job they could. He always acted in good faith and he always wanted what was best for the school. I will always be grateful for everything he did as our EP facilities manager.

Whenever I spent time with Kumar, I would always try to get a smile from him. The toothy smile of this giant of a man always lifted my spirits enormously and filled my heart with joy. It simply lit up my day and it made me a better person. 

It is how I will remember Kumar now he has left us and it is why I will never, ever forget the part of my life that I have been so fortunate to have shared with him."

Kumar with his team

For anyone that would like to make a donation to support Kumar's wife and family we have placed boxes at both school campus receptions. 

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