Celebrating KLASS Poets: FOBISIA Poetry Competition 2024

Celebrating KLASS Poets: FOBISIA Poetry Competition 2024
fobisia poetry English

Author: Lauren Ebsworth - Assistant Principal, Learning & Teaching

We are thrilled to celebrate the amazing talent showcased in this year’s FOBISIA Poetry Competition! The creativity and passion displayed by our young poets have been truly inspiring, and it is our pleasure to recognise their hard work and dedication.

This year's competition featured two categories: Year 3/4 and Year 5/6. With the theme of "World Oceans Day," our poets delved into the wonders of the ocean, highlighting its beauty, mystery, and the crucial importance of conservation. Class teachers and English subject leaders faced the challenging task of selecting winners and runners-up from a pool of extraordinary submissions. Each poem reflected the unique voice and perspective of its author, making the selection process both difficult and rewarding. The winners impressed us with their poetic skills and were chosen to represent the school in the broader FOBISIA competition. 

Year 3/4 Age Category

In the Year 3/4 category, we witnessed the incredible imagination and fresh outlook that young minds can offer. From whimsical tales of fantastical sea creatures to heartfelt verses about the ocean's serene beauty, these poems were a testament to the boundless creativity of our young participants. Amelie from 4S earned the runner-up spot in this category with her poem which carried an important message to reduce, reuse and recycle. Her vivid imagery and emotional depth highlighted the impact of our actions on the ocean and urged readers to take responsibility for preserving our planet and its beauty.

A huge congratulations to Naomi in 3S for being our Year 3/4 overall winner! Her poem captivated judges with its empathy and imagery, drawing readers in with lines such as:

"A natural darkness every day.
The ocean's happiness once every day.
Very sadly has gone away.
Deep darkness spread through the ocean’s blue.
Heaps of rubbish floating around making the ocean new.”

Year 5/6 Age Category

The Year 5/6 category showcased a more mature approach to poetry, with entries that delved into complex emotions and thought-provoking themes related to the ocean. Our young poets demonstrated an impressive command of language and a profound understanding of their chosen subjects.

Suri from 6M was our runner-up in this category with her poem featuring rhyming couplets and expressive language. She ended with a poignant and proud message:

Save the oceans from this big threat,
Or someday it will be our biggest regret.

The winning poem in this category stood out for its eloquence and the powerful message it conveyed about the ocean, leaving a lasting impact on all who read it. Claire from 6T, our overall Year 5/6 winner, captivated the judges with her lines:

“Beneath the ocean, a whole new land,
Coral, fish, for which we stand,
Plastic, pollution, and some more,
All dig down deep to the core...”

Celebrating All Entries

Unfortunately, we have just received news that we didn’t place in the FOBISIA competition this year. Despite this, we want to acknowledge and celebrate every participant in the FOBISIA Poetry Competition. Each poem submitted was a unique expression of the poet's heart and mind, and we are incredibly proud of all our young writers. Your creativity and courage to share your work with the world are commendable.

Thank you to all the learners, educators, and parents who supported this event and made it a success. We encourage all our young poets to continue writing and exploring the beauty of language. Your dedication and passion for poetry have made this journey truly worthwhile.

Congratulations to all our participants, and keep the poetry flowing!